La Niña protagonist ingredients to a great love story

Typically in telenovelas the protagonists are made to be the most physically attractive ones as well as other factors in order to have the perfect love story. Belky is a character that I find to actually be pretty and has the key of keeping that beauty when she's sad/ crying which is needed due to the fact that she is upset a lot.  The male protagonist usually has the perfect smile that melt the hearts of all the viewers; however, in La Niña I find Manuel to have a face and smile that reminds me of the rat from Flushed Away. The actor that plays Manuel isn't ugly, but I wouldn't categorize him under the typical heart throb role that the male protagonist tend to be. It's not his looks that make the viewer fall in love with him, rather it's all the little things he says and does for Belky. The way he treats, cares, loves, and understands her is what makes Manuel be the man that everyone wishes was in their life. He is truly able to make her feel as though she is the only girl in the world just by the way he looks at her. The way Manuel speaks to Belky and their interactions in general highlight their obvious chemistry which is a necessity for their love story to actually work. Their chemistry is defined through their gentle movements when they are together as well as their body language. For example, when he is reassuring her or expressing his love he tends to place is hand on her face to demonstrate that love. They have this way about each other where they can be together perfectly and seem like an actual couple. This comes from their talent and ability to act such difficult circumstances, but it also comes from their ability to work well together. They also have many obstacles between each other since there is always something holding one of them back.  For example, Belky's past experience of being raped makes her not want to cross a certain line of affection. This is something that he has no control over and must accept it as well as show her that there are better men out there like himself. (However, he messes up too and get's Yolima pregnant which ruins her trust in men again. She's able to get past it though.) The story itself uses music as a way to emphasize the romantic elements of the story. Every time these two are together in a loving, flirtatious way the theme song "Te Invito" by Herencia de Timbiqui plays in the background as a sign of it being significant to their love. This makes the audience know that there is a possibly kiss or form of affection that will occur in the scene. Their love story is one that begins untraditional due to their pasts, but has many of the key and most notable elements in a telenovela. 

Image result for manuel La Niña

Image result for rat from flushed away


  1. This is a very compelling evaluation of the protagonist in the telenovela you are watching. First of all I am going to completely agree on the comparison to the character and Roddy the rat and I found that very funny. On a more serious note, I would have to say that the way you described the character showing love to the woman is very important. When the main character isn't as stunning as the majority of telenovela characters and there can't be as steamy scenes this is a crucial part to the storyline. The use of touch and reassuring words are important in this aspect because of the lack of attractiveness. We also saw this is the Turkish telenovelas we previewed in class where the steamy scenes aren't allowed and so these actions have to take place.


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