Theresa Mendoza Reincarnated

     So far, La Reina del Sur is a really addictive narconovela. Initially, I thought the show would be hard to watch and/or boring but I realized how fun it is to watch the show. Besides the show itself, main character Theresa is a stand out complete opposite of what a lover in a telenovela is supposed to act. In context, Theresa is the past lover of her murdered boyfriend Guero who happened to be apart of the dangerous world of drug trading which ended up leading to his ultimate demise. Similar to regular novelas, Theresa mourned his death from the moment he died with a bottle of tequila to when she moved from Mexico all the way to Spain. However, instead of being nostalgic and reminiscing on her love while all the way in Spain, she made the specific step of forgetting him completely. This is the complete opposite of what I thought lovers in telenovelas did. In traditional telenovelas lovers dwell on their lost lovers but Theresa just moved on to her new lover, Santiago. Despite this, I am actually happy that she has decided to move on because her dwelling on Guero for forever would not be good for her state of mind. It is almost like Theresa has become a whole new person.


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