Cinderella Portrayal

As the class comes to an end and I’ve read more and more blogs I have noticed a similarity between the blogs and the class. The blogs, just as mine, review the telenovelas that everyone is watching on their own. In the telenovela I am watching, La Piloto, we see that the female protagonist Yolanda fulfills the typical Cinderella story as seen in many other blog posts throughout the semester. This Cinderella makes the telenovela so drawing in which the protagonists questionable decisions creates suspense. How does this create suspense? Well take La Piloto for example. Yolanda has an opportunity to try to become a pilot but is aware of the consequences that that means she would be getting involved in a drug cartel. This naiveness is seen within most telenovelas and makes the female protagonist so obtainable. This falls into the cinderella category just as much as many other characteristics. Look up any telenovela and more times than not the female protagonist is beautiful and usually is the male protagonist. This is another crucial part to a telenovela because people prefer something nice to look at. Also within the Cinderella portrayal we see the upbringing of the female protagonist which she is often poor and after some goal. They are often so naive and desperate that they will do anything for this goal. We can see this again in La Piloto in which Yolanda has had a lifelong dream to become a pilot. She nearly prostitutes herself to her uncle just to obtain the money to go to flight school. She continues this vulnerableness when she meets a drug lord who gives her the opportunity to become a pilot but under questionable pretenses. Because of this poor upbringing and poor decision making the Cinderella story is fulfilled. 
    Throughout this class I have learned a lot about what makes a telenovela a telenovela. Between the characters, the music, the production, and the writing it all comes back full circle to make one of the most popular television categories known. The love stories are so overwhelming they could draw anyone and the drama is impeccable. All these important factors is what makes telenovelas so interesting.


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